The Four W Blog


Internet + Business

How Do You Start a Blog?



So I intended to start this blog a couple months ago and felt overwhelmed. I originally envisioned writing about technology in general but couldn’t concentrate enough on that gigantic topic. Then I thought I would start writing on PHP programming until I realized that was a little too narrow. After a Blogging FAIL, I’ve prepared some notes for other bloggers so they know how to start a blog:

  1. Don’t choose a topic that is too broad (technology)
  2. Don’t choose a topic that is too narrow (php programming)
  3. Don’t procrastinate or put it on the back burner (wait 4 months to post)
  4. Don’t start without at least 10 posts already written. This provides cover for days when you have no ideas but want to keep the momentum going.
  5. Don’t care at first that you get no comments or nobody is reading what you are writing. Think of it as a journal until it isn’t.

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